Cocoa beans close up.

The African Cocoa Beans’ Impact on Chocolate Production

Cocoa beans are crucial to the global chocolate industry. West Africa produces over 70 percent of the world’s cocoa beans. Chocolate manufacturers worldwide rely on cocoa in Africa to supply the rich flavors their consumers demand. Any nuance in crop harvest significantly impacts pricing, with Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Ghana, and Nigeria dominating the chocolate industry.

African cocoa beans and African cocoa powder are each known for their intense flavors, earthy undertones, and extremely high quality. Cocoa farming is a significant global supply and income source for African farmers. Any interruption in this supply chain can be devastating from a consumer cost perspective. We’ll look at some of the factors in cocoa bean production and what to do about the impacts.

Global Weather Impacts

Cocoa beans on the tree.

In the era of climate change, many unpredictable elements can significantly influence the industry’s steady supply of cocoa beans. This means price increases become inevitable from time to time. African cocoa beans are sensitive to weather events, and this sensitivity reduces crop yields. Here are some of the ways a changing climate has impacted West Africa cocoa production significantly across the world:

  • Cocoa bean growth can stagnate and react negatively to even a small variation in temperature, interrupting overall global production.
  • Cocoa in Africa has been exposed to extreme heat, cold, droughts, and excessive rainfall recently, dramatically impacting yields from year to year and increasing unpredictability.
  • Increased damage from plant disease and pests or insects is also linked to the extreme changes in climate – with mirids and cocoa pod borers becoming an invasive issue for the beans.

African cocoa beans are the backbone of the African cocoa powder and chocolate industry. Even small fluctuations in the weather influence Africa cocoa farming long-term.

Political Instability in West Africa

Cocoa production relies heavily on stability and routine. Any political upheaval can widely influence the crop yield in a given year. Countries in West Africa who are key players in the flavor and chocolate industry have had to adapt quickly during these times of change:

  • Côte d’Ivoire is the world’s largest producer of cocoa in Africa. However, civil war, a lack of stability, and drastic policy changes have greatly impacted regular production.
  • African cocoa beans and cocoa powder depend on infrastructure such as roads and ports. When instability leads to closures, the impact is felt worldwide.
  • Global events such as the pandemic have led to disruptions impacting the entire industry of cocoa farming.

Africa is a leader in the industry so it’s hard to untie all the impacts on chocolate production – but they are massive. Any producer should pay careful attention to the supply chain and cost fluctuations in African cocoa beans moving forward.

Developing a Cost-Effective Strategy

Cocoa beans being harvested.

Now that we’ve examined some extenuating factors in West African cocoa production, it’s time to develop a strategic plan to maintain stability from a producer and consumer standpoint. We work with key players in the global market to create cost-effective solutions that meet growing demand and maintain a stable price point.

  • To help consumers cope with this growing instability, Metarom USA has worked extensively with partners and flavor chemists to develop a new technical flavor called Cocoa Booster, which can supplement cocoa in Africa during supply interruptions.
  • Cocoa Booster maintains the same high-quality standards while offering a responsible alternative for African cocoa beans.
  • Cocoa Booster can replace up to 30 percent of cocoa or African cocoa powder while meeting the highest standards.

Cocoa farming in Africa will continue to have challenges, and Metarom USA has unique solutions for global organizations.

What Are Technical Flavors?

Metarom has years of experience developing technical flavors that meet the strictest European and global standards while maintaining the integrity of taste and texture. Thanks to our profound knowledge and expertise, our flavor chemists replicate the richness of African cocoa beans. Here’s how we do it:

  • We’ve targeted the delicate balance between the creaminess of milk chocolate and the subtle astringency of high-end chocolate originating in West Africa.
  • Cocoa production continues to be a key component in chocolate manufacturing, and the familiar flavors aren’t compromised.
  • Using Cocoa Booster will significantly reduce your cocoa purchases and boost your profitability by replicating the unique flavors of African cocoa beans.

The cocoa supply in Africa may always fluctuate – but the costs to the consumer will remain more stable by introducing innovative solutions by Metarom.

Future Impacts on Chocolate Production

Implementing a plan for supply interruptions means your organization will better withstand the possible future implications for chocolate production worldwide. Access to African cocoa powder and cocoa beans derived from farming in Africa is not a certainty, so if your products rely on these key ingredients, we suggest exploring some of our other innovative options.

  • Work with our flavor chemists to create a match for your organization’s trademark products.
  • Discover how to mitigate the risks of West African cocoa production on supply chains globally.
  • Easily supplement when you need to.

Contact our team for a consultation and discover more solutions.

Reach Out Today

Discover the taste of authentic African cocoa beans using our technical flavors. Ask us for a sample and work with our team at Metarom USA!